Sunday, September 13, 2015

Brandon Harrell - Weekly Artist Post #5

Devin Yalkin

1. Yalkin is using a monochrome setting for his pictures, also using slow camera
shutter speeds on his camera to obtain blur and other signs of motion. It is
unclear whether or not if he uses a digital or an analog format, but it does
appear that it looks more on the analog side.
2. Yalkin is showcasing the events of the dangerous and illegal underground
fighting circle that goes on at night in New York City. In the article attached,
people from all demographics, from former Marines to male models take part
in these events. None of his subjects are facing the camera, and Yalkin
captures the genuine reactions and moments that are going on around him.
Almost all of his photos document the fighters- only one in this collection
showcases the audience.
3. I find it very interesting in the way that Yalkin uses  low exposure speeds to
capture the events of fight club; using this method, it shows the more raw
energy and vicious side of  underground and street fighting, in both the \
fighters and the spectators, rather than what we see in movies and in \
television. This also goes the same for boxing matches that are pay-per-view,
where the photographs of the event are cleaned up so it will be more gentle
and appealing on the general public’s eyes.

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