Sunday, March 29, 2015

Kellen Clarke- Weekly Artist Post

1. Derek Payne is a landscape photographer. He started his journey in 1996 and started out using a 35mm  SLR camera. It wasn't until 1998 that Derek Payne made photography his career. Most of his work is landscape during multiple times of day. Because he is from Worthing, West Sussex in the UK most of his photographs are made and taken there. 

2. Living in the UK Payne has drawn inspiration from his location. The photographs from above are form the album SEASCAPE. The small collection of photos are at the beach during multiple times of day. The pictures are either taken down by the shoreline or up on the dunes or cliffs. Payne places himself in specific spots on the beaches to capture the lighting on the beach.

3. The lighting and color created from the beaches natural beauty and time of day is gorgeous. The first picture looks like a filter was placed to look as if the overcast with a glow of sunshine created it. The second picture has a sunrise glow which reflects on the cliffs making them seem on fire. Also the sun gives the water in the foreground a green/yellow tint. The third picture, which is my favorite, has a creepy/moody fog look. There must have been a slow shutter used to capture this gloomy beach day.

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