Saturday, March 14, 2015

Laura Austin- Weekly Artist

Frederic Delangle 

1. Frederic Delangle took a series of photos in Ahmedabad, India. He took all of the photos after people were in their homes and the streets were quiet. He said that after the city was asleep "each structure emerged as a relic from a forgotten history." Frederic's technical choices were simple, but very impactful. He chose to slow down his shutter speed to capture the movement of the few people and animals to create a ghost-like effect. This decision allows the viewer to focus on the buildings in the surroundings, rather than looking at the people and animals more. 

2. Frederic says he chose to create the photos like this because it shows the city as an "abandoned theatrical set." In the darkness and with very little street light, he had to expose the picture from five to ten minutes to allow enough light. As you can imagine, cows and stray dogs would walk through his frame, causing the ghost like image. 

3. Even though it seems as though the dog and the cows were not meant to be in the photo, I think it gives the photos a little boost. The barely visible creatures are what caught my eye. It makes you feel as if this city is lonely and quiet. That is most likely because he took the photos at night. The glow around the street lamps, and the animals passing through make these photos appear as if there is a haze like film over them. 

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