Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Keri Wodard - Weekly Artist Post

Raymond began taking pictures on his parents farm when he was only 12 years old and claims to be mostly a self-taught photographer. Depardon is also a film maker and has received many awards such as the Pulitzer prize winning photo journalist award. Throughout the years this photographer spent a majority of his time traveling with his camera which isn't specifically mentioned. While traveling he covered many important pieces of time like the Civil War, the fall of the berlin wall, and even more recent times of Afghanistan.
This photographer uses great sensitivity to approach us with harsh realities of real life. This photographer is using less serious subjects while still having intense backgrounds that tell a bigger story. The use of white and black really plays a big part too because it feels more natural when older pictures, or pictures from history, are grainy and only two toned. Depardon captures landscapes, portaits, nature, and events throughout history.
Without much information on Raymond Depardon's technical choices or even personal choices, I believe that these pictures have meaning and are taken with a purpose. Unlike many of the photographers that I have looked at, Raymond uses the clouds and the sky in a good amount of his photographs. The photos seem well-balanced and great quality (especially for the time difference and the rate of technology). I really enjoyed these photographs mainly for the lighting and the the sort of vague subject matter (not focused on too much of the same subject).

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