Sunday, March 22, 2015

Skylar Coleman - Weekly Artist

Caroline Jensen

  1. These three photos all deal with lighting, color contrast, and simplicity. In the first image, the color contrasts of the boys shirt with the yellow peaking through the trees and the green grass with the red effect from the sun glare pull the photo together. Placing the boy so far away also makes the picture more captivating because he is not the main focus as he would be if he were closer to the camera. In the second photo, the innocence that is captured is remarkable. She shows a very vulnerable side of herself through this image. The softness around the border of the girls face helps make this feeling more possible and allows the viewer to focus on the eyes of the little girl. In the third photo, the timing of the sun hitting this point exactly, displaying a smooth line of yellow just at the horizon against the deep blue sky makes this image work. The way the silhouettes of the two houses on the right along with the shadow effect of the ground against all of that color makes it pop.
  2. Caroline Jensen is a natural light photographer from southern Minnesota. She specializes in emotive black and white portraiture, macro, and colorful landscape imagery. She seeks to find emotion in every image and finds her niche in painterly images with dramatic light. Caroline enjoys focusing on one subject. Her works consist of individual images that seek to tell a story or convey an emotion. She uses a variety of Sony cameras. 
  3. I enjoyed looking at all of Jensen's images. The soft quality that surfaces in all of her pieces is captivating and makes me want to look longer at her images. A great sense of simplicity and innocence is portrayed through her works. 

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