Sunday, March 22, 2015

Lucas Suarez - Weekly Artist Post

Michael Koehler

1. The three photographs above are from Michael Koehler's series Harvest. The photographs were taken in Italy, and focus primarily on the harvesting of grapes for wine. The three photographs all do a great job capturing the color, light, and definition of the subjects. The first photograph is an example of aperture and ISO. The depth of field is focused on the grapes and the sharp quality of the grapes are very high. The second photograph uses the light and color aspect. The natural light form the sun shining through the vines and reflects the brown ground, vines, and green leaves. The aperture is also focused on the vines and blurs out the harvester in the background and focuses on the harvest itself. The last photograph is a good landscape picture that blends the colors of the sunset and the lush greenery of the field. It is a very detailed image and wide aperture to be able to capture the entire setting.

2. Michael Koehler's intention of these photographs was to show the harvesting of Italian grapes for wine. The images focus on the harvest and the natural surroundings in which the process takes place. Koehler uses the color and light of his natural surrounding to make his image. The bright purple of the grapes, the soft green fields, the light blue colors of the sky, and yellow light of the sun make his images colorful to the eye.

3. I really like Koehler's approach to his images. He uses the natural surrounding and captures his images as they happen. He focuses on the process of harvesting grapes. To making a clear image of the grapes hanging from the branch, to the fresh picked branches in the field, and the sunset at the end of a day harvesting. It also captures an unfamiliar side of Italy where a lot of people do not visit.

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