Sunday, February 22, 2015

Breotnie Nichols - Weekly Artist Post

Anthony Karen

1) The photos in the Ku Klux Klan series, by Anthony Karen, have a high quality. To achieve this Anthony most likely used a low ISO. It is possible that he used an ISO of 100 since most of his photos are during the day. There is also no camera shake present. I am assuming that he utilized a shutter speed above 1/60. Since his shutter speed was high, he probably had to widen his aperture so he could achieve a good exposure.

2) With this series, Anthony Karen provides a look into the lives of the KKK. He wants to demystify their world. He does so by capturing members of the KKK while they are with their families and fellow members. Additionally, he manages to capture their private ritual. 

3) I understand that Anthony is trying to humanize the KKK by allowing us a view into their lives. However, as a Black woman i cannot help but to feel uneasy about this series. I do not connect with them in any way. It is like I am looking inside a fish tank. We live in two completely separate worlds, and I would like to keep it that way. 

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