Sunday, February 8, 2015

Kellen Clarke- Weekly Artist #4

Mae Ryan

1. Mae Ryan is a photojournalist that takes difficult situations to document and tell a story. Using her different camera media's we are able to learn about what is going on in the world through her lens. She focus's on topics that are not the first to jump to the top one's list. Her work is passionate and can be hard hitting. 

2. The pictures above are just three that were document from "Pregnant in Prison." The only difference from these woman in prison are that once they have their child, that child is allowed to be with their mother until age 7. There is schooling available for the children who live there. She focuses on the logistics and the cost of this program. Mae does give her opinion of the program at the end.

3. First, I didn't know there were programs that allowed this. I only know that if a woman in pregnant in prison they give birth then are parted with their child, who is given to the family. Second, Mae discovered the amount of money that goes into this kind of program that is being offered. Taxpayers are founding it and I wonder if the people know that. 

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