Friday, February 13, 2015

Holli Turner - Weekly Artist Post

Amanda Mustard

For some of the photographs she was able to stop motion, which would call for a higher number in shutter speed. I’m thinking perhaps 1600 or higher as a guess.  The depth of field appears in most of her photographs as sharp not really noticing an intense blur at all.  I would offer a guess of a high aperture f22 or f35.  In the photograph of the man eating, what appears to be ice cream I believe, the background is blurred the people in front are made the focus so the aperture is opened more at f8 or smaller.

The artist wanted to capture Cairo, the atmosphere, the people, and the behaviors in a way that perhaps the news outlets were not.  However, with her being a photojournalist she does have shots that would obviously fit that “news outlet” look.

I greatly enjoyed viewing these photographs of how she used her camera to portray Cairo.  Different outlets will show different things (an area being completely violent, hostile, inhabitable).  Although that is ever-present (the violence and catastrophes) just seeing a different approach gives new views and new stories.  She definitely endured quite a bit as I could only image being a woman and as she stated “it’s too risky” she had avoided harm to her person by avoiding events based on looks or what may happen to her.

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