Sunday, February 15, 2015

Skylar Coleman - Weekly Artist

Robert Moran

  1. These three photos are from Robert Moran's black and white series. All three photos focus on light. The time of day changes throughout each photo as well adding more of a dramatic effect to the images.The first image is obviously during the day but the effect of it being in black and white truly makes the image have more emotion. The feeling of desertion and emptiness can be portrayed. The way the light from the sun is coming from around the clouds and shining down onto the road but leaves the house on the right completely in the shadows makes the image captivating. In the last image, the silhouette of the person really brings out the image because of all of the blurred out bright lighting from the street and car encircled around him.  
  2. Robert Moran is a freelance photographer from Maine. His use of ISO, aperture, and shutter speed all tie into how he was able to capture such exposure. Some of them are underexposed, allowing for the dramatic lighting that brings the photo to life. The use of shadows and highlights on certain areas of each scene ties in with the light coming from the sun and from street lamps and headlights. 
  3. I enjoyed looking at all of Roberts photographs but the black and white series caught my eye because of the dramatic effect of the lights coming from street lamps, cards, and natural lighting from the sun. If they were in color they wouldn't have the same effect on me personally. 

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