Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Jennifer Maddox Weekly post

Sharon Lee Hart

What are the artist's technical choices?
Harts' photos are of rescued abused animals. Her decision of keeping them black and white brings more feelings into the photos. Color can distract a person from what they are really meant to see. She also focuses only on the animal instead of having the background in focus. 

What are the artist's conceptual and/or thematic intents?
Hart wanted to display that every animal is an individual as well. She wanted to focus this project on the relationships between humans and animals. She explained that leaving the photos black and white help us focus on the animals expression. She wanted to find a way to display that animals feel as well. 

How do you respond to these choices and intents?
When I first looked at these pictures I was taken back because I could see the expressions. Some have pain in their eyes and some aniamls look like they are smiling. These photos capture the way animals should be represented, not as objects but living creatures. I also enjoy how she photographed the animals in a portrait way, just as a human would have been.  

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