Monday, February 23, 2015

Grace Herion - weekly artist post

Kentaro Takahashi

Kentaro Takahashi uses digital photography. Based on the above images, I would guess that he is using a short lens, with a high-quality ISO, and a very open aperture. The pictures also look a little under exposed, so perhaps he is using a faster shutter speed to create that.

In the interview, Takahashi says that he uses photography as a way to express his discontent with the political participation and awareness of Japanese citizens. He says that they have a "disgusting" culture that seems to ignore politics, stunting the progress of the country. He creates images that focus on this idea... that people are blind to what is going on around them.

As the U.S. faces a similar problem of political participation and awareness, these images are easy to relate to. As Takahashi mentioned, people rely too heavily on the media to form their opinions. The media is just not reliable enough to base something so important off that information. I appreciate Takahashi's goal and message with these photos. I think an informed political opinion is one of the most important roles of a contributing citizen.

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