Monday, February 2, 2015

Devin Escalante Weeekly Artist Post

Sze Tsung Leong

What are the artists technical choices?

In History Images Leong is most likely using a tripod for all his shots since there is no visible handshake, however they might have used a slower shutter speed since you are able to see some people in motion in a few photos.  Knowing he might have used a slow shutter speed and seeing that most of the shots have high exposure, then you can probably conclude that they were using a bigger aperture, maybe around f2 or so.

What are the artists conceptual and/or thematic intents?

Leong images display the big changes that are happening to every day life in China and in Asia in general.  Photos of rubble and debris where buildings and homes once stood.  Then a photo of men who are constructing a new building from the ground up.  It shows the systematic change that his happening in their country where the historic landscape is is being run down and a new face is being lifted from nothing.

How do you respond to these choices and intents?

I really like the high exposure of these photos and the gloominess that they all portray by having such a bright sky, soft colors of all the buildings and dirt.  In most of the photos there is hardly any sign of people out and about which really adds to the depressing feel of whats happening in their country that the whole rest of the world is unaware of.

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