Friday, February 20, 2015

Sabrina Brooks-Weekly Artist Post 6

Joshua Hoffine

One of the best examples of a picture made rather than taken can be found in artist and photographer Joshua Hoffine. Joshua Hoffine does not simply create pretty pictures, he tells stories, haunting tales that would resound fear in anyone who views his works. Hoffine’s technique takes what we know about light and color and puts it to work. For example, in his rendition of Hansel and Gretel, rather than a house with an overwhelming amount of color, Hoffine chooses to line only the windowsill with rainbow lollypops to accentuate the only other vivid color in the scenes, the red of Gretel’s dress.  An example of the brilliant use of lighting can be found in his image of the little girl’s fear of the basement.  The only light allowed in the scene is through the door behind the girl and her flashlight. This brings the focus to the little girl before the monster she dreads. In-fact, in all of his images, the child is the focal point, only seconded by their fears.

Hoffine allowed his interest in fear and horror to push him to ask questions. How far would he go to get the shot? Could he make-up one of his family members rather than hire an expensive actor or could he re-use sculptures if they convey the same mood he wanted? Because Hoffine asks these questions, he creates extraordinarily frightening works. Hoffine wants the viewer of the piece to feel each image as if they were the child. This is how Hoffine enraptures his audience, by allowing them to rekindle their childhood fears and relate with the fear of these children. Hoffine allows us to become children again, afraid of the monsters under our beds or the beasts in our closet. 

But I wonder if he needs all of these theatrics to convey a sense of fear in his audience. With a joint love in the psychology of fear, his images make me want to challenge myself to depict fear without all of the fog machines and spotlights.  I honestly think that with careful attention to light and color I can convey the message of fear with less elaborate scenes but hopefully with the same level of tory-telling as Hoffine.

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