Sunday, October 9, 2016

Sarah McDaniel


Peter Edel returned to the Tuz GoluI in Turkish recently to recreate the images he has in his head. Wgile at the Salt Lake the artist kept referring back to the abstract expressionist Barnett Newman paintings. In this article he defined his definition of an “artist.” In this article he defined it as someone who “tried to wrest truth from the void.” When Edel observed the salt lake he was able to use his eyes to see the void, and “at least the extent that a terrestrial body can come to represent a eternal and preternatural idea.”


In these photos he tried to represent the void, and also appreciate the minimalist style of art. He didn’t focus too much on the idea of the lake, but the theory behind it. He used technical styles to make a void, and have the lighting exposed.


The style of this photograph really draws the viewer in. When looking at the first photo, the viewer can not truly tell that it is a lake. But instead just sees an overexposed background with a focus line of colors. The horizon point in the lake seems to not exist. In the other photos the way the texture in the photos are used really complements the surroundings.



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